الدورات التدريبيه

ابدأ رحلتك التعليمية مع تدريبكم

Human Resources Management .

Human Resources Management .

المدرب : Rania Aloulabi
سعر الدورة : 18000 ريال
اسم المركز : مركز تدريبي
مكان الانعقاد :center
تاريخ الدوره : 17 June
تفاصيل الدوره


The 'HR Management course' is designed to build participants' awareness and knowledge of the major functions that make up a modern HR department. The modules of this course are considered fundamental and include basic knowledge as well as latest trends and keys to effectiveness.

For someone looking to strengthen his knowledge, venture into a specific HR function or embark on an HR business partner role, this course should be the first course to consider.

محاور الدوره

Course Objectives:

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:


List the main functions in Human Resources Management (HRM)

Defend the new roles of modern HRM

Apply the functions of recruitment and selection and follow the main steps in attracting and hiring qualified candidates

Describe the different steps in the training and development cycle

Explain the roles and responsibilities of HRM in designing and implementing a performance management system

Demonstrate understanding of a complete compensation management system


Course Outlines:

Module One:

Introduction to Human Resources Management

Core functions and responsibilities of the HR manager. 

Key challenges facing HRM professionals in the modern business world. 

The role of communication in HRM.

The difference between the strategic HRM plan and HR plan. 

Module Two:

The Recruitment and selection process

The stages in the recruitment process. 

Developing a job analysis and job descriptions.

The different types of recruitment strategies. 

The advantages and disadvantages of different recruitment strategies. 

The selection processes.

The different types of interview methods.

Situational and behaviour description interview questions.

The different types of tests and selection methods.


Module Three:

Training and Development

The importance of training and development. 

Training need analysis and development plan. 

Define the different types of training. 

Training delivery methods.

Module Four:

Managing Employee Performance

Performance appraisals type and method.

Poor employee performance management.

The five categories of performance issues. 

Effective discipline process. 

Employee separation process.

Module Five:

Organisational Culture

The meaning of organisational culture.

Culture Transition. 

The four key types of organisational culture. 

Different types of organisational change.

The five key change management strategies. 


Module Six:

Managing Employee Motivation and Retention

Different motivational theories. 

The management role in improving employee motivation and retention.

Why employees leave an organisation. 

Retention strategies that can be used to help motivate and retain employees. 

منصة تدريبكم تساعدكم علي تحقيق مشاريعكم, وتنمية القدرات العلمية, وزيادة المهارات العملية للمتدربين, والمسوقين للتفوق في سوق العمل الحر, وريادة الأعمال في كل مجال.