الدورات التدريبيه

ابدأ رحلتك التعليمية مع تدريبكم

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

المدرب : مركز تدريبي
سعر الدورة : 8000 ريال
اسم المركز : مركز تدريبي
مكان الانعقاد :online
تاريخ الدوره : 20 June
تفاصيل الدوره


People with emotional intelligence are usually more successful in life. This is because they manage themselves better and they get along with other people much more easily compared to those who are easily emotionally stressed. Emotional excellence is characterized by the ability to understand and control their emotions, motivated to succeed in their endeavours, able to empathize, and communicate effectively.

This Emotional Intelligence course equips leaders with skills to help his team deliver the organizational goals. You will learn how to manage your soma (body), psycho (thoughts and feelings), and pneuma (spiritual heart) to develop emotional excellence in your life. You will also develop skills to help your employees be open to new ideas and communicate effectively. If you’ve mastered this, you’ve mastered life.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Develop emotional excellence in yourself and in others
  • Create a work culture where employees feel they add value
  • Motivate employees effectively
  • Develop positive eustress in your life
  • Develop a healthy work life balance
  • Nurture teamwork among your employees
  • Break communication barriers
  • Create positive relationships

محاور الدوره

Course Outlines:

Module One:

Advanced Understanding of Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Excellence

  • History of Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotional Intelligence (EI) Defined and Applied at Work
  • Emotional Intelligence Blueprint
  • Developing Optimism and Overcoming Pessimism
  • Validating Emotions in Ourselves and Others
  • Applying Emotional Excellence at Work

Module Two:

Understanding and Managing Emotional Stress, Anxiety & Depression

  • Understanding Emotional Stress
  • Stressors On Our Lives
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Recognizing Anxiety Disorders
  • Dealing with Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Managing Depression

Module Three:

Understanding Human Development for Building a Healthy Self-esteem

  • Understanding Healthy Human Development
  • Applying the Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development
  • Improving Self-esteem
  • Understanding Our Inner Dialogue
  • The Power of Thought
  • Create What You Want

Module Four:

Emotionally Excellent Relational Skills

  • Creating Positive Relationships
  • Growing Our Self-awareness
  • Breaking Communication Barriers
  • Applying Effective Communication Strategies
  • Frames of Reference
  • Creating Synergy in Teams

Module Five:

Emotional Excellence for Work-Life Balance

  • Eustress and How It Affects Us
  • Building a Solid Foundation
  • Mental Strategies
  • Managing Distress at Work
  • Holistic Management of Negative Stress
  • Developing an Action Plan

منصة تدريبكم تساعدكم علي تحقيق مشاريعكم, وتنمية القدرات العلمية, وزيادة المهارات العملية للمتدربين, والمسوقين للتفوق في سوق العمل الحر, وريادة الأعمال في كل مجال.