الدورات التدريبيه

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Heat Exchangers Design, Operation and Maintenance Course

Heat Exchangers Design, Operation and Maintenance Course

المدرب : ITCgroup
سعر الدورة : 1850 ريال
اسم المركز : ITCgroup
مكان الانعقاد :online
تاريخ الدوره : 09 February
تفاصيل الدوره

🔰Heat Exchangers Design, Operation and Maintenance Course
🔰 Duration : 5 Days / 20 Hours
🗣 Locations : Cairo - Egypt
🎧 Available ONLINE via Google Meet

محاور الدوره

🔰 Course Related Standards:
🔹ASME Section VIII pressure vessels
🔹API 660 - Shell and Tube
🔹API 661 - Air Cooled Heat Exchangers
🔹API 662 - Plate and Frame

🔰Course Description:
🔸This training course is a comprehensive course to the technology of Design, Operation of  Heat
🔸Exchangers and Performance as these most commonly used in the process and refinery industries.
🔸The course will provide details on mechanical design and maintenance in relation with international standards as API and ISO.
🔸For Heat Exchangers types, we focus on the mechanical and practical aspects.
🔸Many case studies will be presented to show failures, to get a full picture of Heat Exchangers technologies.
🔸A basic training module for other types of  Heat Exchangers are included

🔰 Course Objective:
By the end of the Course Participants will be Able to :
🔹Understand The principle of Heat Exchangers  design
🔹Understand the principle of operation of Heat Exchangers.
🔹Understand The principle of pressure vessels design
🔹Understand  Heat Exchangers Application and performance
🔹Understand  Heat Exchangers  standards and Codes

🔰Who should Attend ?
🔸New Engineers ((Mechanical, Production, Instrumentation)
🔸Senior Engineers,
🔸Process Engineers,
🔸Section Heads,
🔸Department Heads

📝 Please fill out the following application👇🏼
📃for more information:👇🏼
📲 00201068756865
📧Email: itcgroup.training.con@gmail.com or info@itcgroup.org

منصة تدريبكم تساعدكم علي تحقيق مشاريعكم, وتنمية القدرات العلمية, وزيادة المهارات العملية للمتدربين, والمسوقين للتفوق في سوق العمل الحر, وريادة الأعمال في كل مجال.