الدورات التدريبيه

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Mechanical seals and Compressor Dry Gas Seals Course

Mechanical seals and Compressor Dry Gas Seals Course

المدرب : ITCgroup
سعر الدورة : 1850 ريال
اسم المركز : ITCgroup
مكان الانعقاد :online
تاريخ الدوره : 06 April
تفاصيل الدوره

🔰Mechanical seals and Compressor Dry Gas Seals Course
🔰 Duration : 4 Days / 16Hours
🗣 Locations : Cairo - Egypt
Available ONLINE via Google Meet 🎧

محاور الدوره

🔰Course Description :
🔹This course Provides specific design, function and component, and operating parameters for particular types of Dry Gas seal. This course introduces a new approach to gas sealing using a clearance seal which promotes and rides on a gas film.
🔹It discusses the principles of operation, leakage, power absorbed, operational boundaries and benefits derived by the use of this technology.

🔰Course Objectives:
By the end of the Course Participants will be Able to :
🔹Understand Mechanical seals types
🔹Understand The principle of operation of the Dry Gas Seals
🔹Know Dry Gas Seals Design and the forces acting upon the seal in operation
🔹Know Benefits of using D.G.S. instead of Traditional oil sealing
🔹Understand Hydraulic Balancing mechanical seals

🔰Course Related Standards:
API 617 Centrifugal Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Service Industries.

🔰Who should attend?
🔹New Engineers (Mechanical, Production, Instrumentation)
🔹Senior Engineers
🔹Process Engineers
🔹Section Heads
🔹Department Heads

📝 Please fill out the following application👇🏼
📃for more information:👇🏼
📲 00201068756865
📧Email: itcgroup.training.con@gmail.com or info@itcgroup.org

منصة تدريبكم تساعدكم علي تحقيق مشاريعكم, وتنمية القدرات العلمية, وزيادة المهارات العملية للمتدربين, والمسوقين للتفوق في سوق العمل الحر, وريادة الأعمال في كل مجال.